Irske Irish Continental Group, som ejer rederiet Irish Ferries, har indgået en aftale med estiske Tallink Group, om at chartre færgen STAR for i første omgang 20 måneder. Aftalen starter d. 5. maj. Irish Continental Group har en option på at forlænge chartreren med 2 gange 2 år. Desuden har de en købsoption på færgen.
“We have been looking for alternative work for our vessel Star for some time now, and the search became more focused as the arrival of our new shuttle MyStar drew closer last year. There has been great interest in chartering her over the years and I am pleased we have secured a good agreement for her now with Irish Continental Group plc. This type of alternative work for our vessels has been and continues to be a good solution, strengthening our company and bolstering income following a long crisis period.”
Paavo Nõgene, Tallink Grupp’s CEO.
STAR vil sejle den sidste tur mellem Tallinn og Helsingfors d. 1. maj om aftenen. Passagerer som har booket plads på dens efterfølgende overfarter, vil blive tilbudt at blive flyttet over til rutens andre færger.

I forbindelse med chartreren vil færgen skifte navn til OSCAR WILDE og blive indsat på ruten Rosslare – Pembroke i starten af juni måned, hvor den vil afløse den chartrede færge BLUE STAR 1.
“We are delighted to announce the addition of the OSCAR WILDE to our fleet. This new ship will be a fantastic addition to our service, offering passengers and freight drivers the very best in terms of comfort, speed, and amenities. Along with usual advantages of ferry travel in terms of no luggage restrictions or security queues, we are confident that the OSCAR WILDE will become a firm favourite with our customers, and we look forward to welcoming them on board.”
Andrew Sheen, Irish Ferries Managing Director.
Kilder: Tallink Group og Irish Ferries