De 2 søsterfærger SILJA SERENADE og SILJA SYMPHONY fra Tallink Silja, som sejler mellem Stockholm og Helsingfors, bliver nu tilsluttet landstrøm når de ligger til kaj i Värtahamnen i Stockholm. De 2 færger har siden februar deltaget en i test af anlægget i Värtahamnen.
De næste 2 færger fra Tallink Silja BALTIC QUEEN og VICTORIA I, som sejler mellem Stockholm og Tallinn er også blevet ombygget til at kunne kobles til landstrøm og vil snarest begynde at teste anlægget og blive fast tilsluttet så snart anlægget er klar til det.
De sidste Tallink Silja færger vil følge efter i 2020 og 2021.
Paavo Nõgene, CEO of Tallink Grupp:
” We are very pleased that an extensive amount of work in close partnership with the Port of Stockholm and the City of Stockholm has resulted in this significant step forward in our effort to reduce the environmental impact of shipping. Such projects are not implemented over night and take great investment and personal effort and commitment from everyone involved, but it is clear that steps like these need to be taken and Tallink Grupp is doing everything it can on its part to identify greener solutions, work with high-tech and innovative companies with great ideas for our industry and also implementing the solutions identified effectively. Today we are already also working closely with the ports of Helsinki and Tallinn to implement such systems in these ports in the future as well.“
Thomas Andersson, CEO Port of Stockholm:
”Sustainability issues are crucial for the future of shipping, not least in the heart of Stockholm. We are therefore particularly pleased when Tallink Silja chose to make use of the newly built on shore power supply facility in the new Värtapier and are able to make use of our environmental incentives. These are big and difficult issues that no party handles alone, the only way forward is in cooperation towards mutual goals”,