Stena Line og Associated British Ports (ABP), har indgået en aftale om at bygge en ny RoRo terminal i Immingham. Prisen på den nye terminal bliver 100 millioner pund, og Stena Line skal drive terminalen de næste 50 år.
“We are very pleased to announce that we will now take the next steps in the strategic vision for our routes between the UK and Continental Europe. Our freight levels are at record levels and are continuing to increase, so we want to build on this success and provide additional services to our most important business needs, those of our customers, with the development of a brand new terminal and berths at the Port of Immingham.” He added: “Stena Line is pledging a significant long-term commitment that will bring a substantial boost to the region’s economy in terms of jobs and revenue. We look forward to working with Associated British Ports to develop this exciting project.”
Niclas MartenssonChief Executive Officer of Stena Line
Stena Lines fragtrute fra Rotterdam, flyttede ved årsskiftet fra nabohavnen Killingholme til Immingham. Med aftalen har Stena Line fået en langsigtet aftale, hvor større RoRo færger kan indsættes når behovet opstår. Den nuværende placering i Immingham’s inderhavn sætter nemlig grænser for, hvor store RoRo færger der kan bruges på ruten til Rotterdam. Den nye terminal kommer til at ligge direkte ud til Humber floden.
“We’re delighted to welcome this new deal with Stena as it underlines the fact that ABP in the Humber is continuing to go from strength to strength. Stena will be joining a growing family of commercial partners who are choosing to use ABP’s ports in the Humber which have fantastic facilities and connections for traders across Europe and beyond. Our track record in recent years of investing in new infrastructure is making the Humber the place to be for trading links between the Midlands and North of England, and the rest of the World.”
Simon BirdHumber Director, Associated British Ports.
ABP vil ansøge de britiske myndigheder om lov til at bygge den nye terminal i forsommeren 2022, så den nye terminal kan være klar til brug i 2025.
Kilde: Associated British Ports