Stena Line planlægger at ombygge STENA SUPERFAST VII og STENA SUPERFAST VIII til metanol drift

STENA SUPERFAST VIII i Belfast d. 9/6-2019. Foto: Michael Koefoed-Hansen

Stena Line har indgået en aftale med Lloyd’s Register om at undersøge mulighederne for at konvertere de to søsterfærger STENA SUPERFAST VII og STENA SUPERFAST VIII til at kunne sejle på metanol. De to færger sejler på ruten Cairnryan – Belfast.

“The project to retrofit the Stena Superfast VII and VIII with methanol dual-fuel propulsion underlines Stena Line Ferries and LR’s shared commitment to sustainability and the importance of embracing alternative fuels for a more sustainable future. Leveraging our expertise and experience gained from the successful conversion of the Stena Germanica in 2015, we are poised to deliver another groundbreaking solution that will pave the way for greener and more efficient ferry operations.”

Paul Herbert, Principal Technology Specialist, Lloyd’s Register.

Projektet går ud på at ombygge to af de fire motorer, som findes på hver færge til at være dual-fuel, således at de kan køre på både MGO (Marine Gas Oil) og metanol. Desuden skal de to færgers tanksystem også ombygges til at kunne indeholde metanol.

“As we continue to implement our strategy to decarbonise our operations, we still see methanol as a viable alternative fuel that will help us achieve this ambition. Lloyds Register with their knowledge and experience from supporting the conversion project of Stena Germanica nine years ago will once again be able to provide the necessary support with these retrofits of our existing tonnage. In the process, it will make them more sustainable by reducing CO2 emissions and encouraging the technology and development needed on our ongoing journey towards fossil free shipping.”

Ian Hampton, COO Fleet & Government Affairs, Stena Line Ferries.

Kilde: Lloyd’s Register

Om Michael Koefoed-Hansen

Redaktør og ejer af Færgenyt. Har udgivet 3 bøger om dansk færgefart på forlaget Starnia, samt drevet hjemmesiden ”The ferry site” siden 1998. ”The ferry site” hører i dag til blandt de største private hjemmesider med information omkring færger.

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