Det bliver det norske firma Zinus, som skal levere de automatiske lade systemer til de kommende Als og Samsø færger. Det var også Zinus som leverede lade systemet til Fanølinjen, så GROTTE kan lades op i Esbjerg.
“It is always great to start a new year with a new contract, and it is extra gratifying that the first order of the year comes from Molslinjen – which already has our equipment in operation. We see returning customers as a great vote of confidence and a recognition of the functionality, design, and reliability of our solution.”
Tore Martin Svanheld, VP Sales at Zinus.
For Samsø ruten vil Zinus levere lade tårne til både Kalundborg og Ballen, samt to lade forbindelser ombord på færgen. For Als ruten, vil der kun blive leveret et lade tårn, samt en lade forbindelse ombord på færgen.
“As increasingly larger ships are electrified, the battery packs on board are also growing. This development requires increased charging power, which is reflected in our new delivery to Molslinjen. This delivery will thus be our first autonomous charging connection that is designed for such high charging power – another milestone in the company’s history.” Ronny Olson, Sales Director at Zinus.
Kilde: Zinus