DFDS åbner fragtrute mellem Nederlandene og Spanien

BELGIA SEAWAYS i Øresund d. 9/3-2024. Foto: Michael Koefoed-Hansen

DFDS åbner i slutningen af maj en ny fragtrute mellem Rotterdam (Nederlandene) og Vilagarcía (Spanien). Ruten vil blive besejlet af RoRo færgen BELGIA SEAWAYS, og der vil være en enkelt rundtur om ugen.

“This new route offers significant potential which we believe will benefit the broader market and aligns perfectly with our focus on organic growth. We are excited to establish a strong partnership with Hydro, enhancing their supply chain with improved connections to and from Northern Europe and Iberia, further demonstrating that we are a relevant strategic partner for larger companies.”

Mathieu Girardin, Head of Ferry Division in DFDS.

Åbningen af den nye rute, sker efter at DFDS har indgået en aftale med Hydro om at sejle aluminium som RoRo last, mellem de to lande.

“In Hydro, we are always looking for ways to optimize operations. Logistics play a key part in keeping our business running 24/7. The cooperation with DFDS will contribute to further implementation of our roll on-roll off (RoRo) solution, which is safer and more efficient compared to traditional methods. Smarter shipping saves both money and emissions and ensures our customers get their products on time.”

Gerd Aalborg Aas, Vice President and Head of Logistics in Hydro’s Aluminium Metal business area.

Kilde: DFDS

Om Michael Koefoed-Hansen

Redaktør og ejer af Færgenyt. Har udgivet 3 bøger om dansk færgefart på forlaget Starnia, samt drevet hjemmesiden ”The ferry site” siden 1998. ”The ferry site” hører i dag til blandt de største private hjemmesider med information omkring færger.

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