Det italienske rederi Grimaldi Lines åbner d. 14. september, en ny fragtrute mellem Trieste i Norditalien og Ambarli, som er en forstad til Istanbul i Tyrkiet. Den nye rute, vil således blive en konkurrent til DFDS’s rute mellem Trieste og Pendik (Istanbul).
Ruten vil blive betjent af de to RoRo færger ECO MALTA og ECO MEDITERRANEA, som rederiet fik leveret i 2022. Hver RoRo færge, vil sejle en rundtur om ugen, således at der er afgang fra begge havn både onsdag og lørdag.

“Our group is a pioneer in the motorways of the sea and reaffirms its position as the leading player in this market, with systematic and significant investments in the quality and quantity of services offered to our customers, In particular, with our new Trieste-Ambarli regular ro-ro service, we will strengthen the connections between Italy — and, more broadly, Central Europe — and Turkey, supporting the growing trade relations between operators in these regions. To do this best, we will deploy the Eco Mediterranea and Eco Malta: these ships have extraordinary features that have revolutionized short-sea shipping. We are proud to enhance our offering for the transport of rolling cargo in the Mediterranean with a new service that will stand out for its efficiency and sustainability, in true Grimaldi style.”
Emanuele Grimaldi, Managing Director in Grimaldi Group .
Kilde: Grimaldi Group