Det tasmanske værft Incat og ABB har underskrevet en Letter of Intent (LOI), om at udvikle en letvægts hybridfærge, med elektrisk fremdrift. Første udgave vil blive med dieselmotorer, som vil oplade batterierne ombord. Håbet er at der med tiden, kan installeres batterier med en kapacitet på op til 30 MWh, således at den kan blive fuld elektrisk.
“All at Incat are extremely excited at having the opportunity to work alongside ABB. This collaboration combines the world’s leading global technology company and the world’s leading lightweight ship builder into a partnership that is 100 percent focused on completely green energy transportation solution of future.”
Robert Clifford, Founder and Chairman of the Board, Incat Group of Companies.
ABB skal levere hele fremdriftsdelen og styringen, mens Incat skal designe og bygge selve konceptfærgen, som bliver 148 meter lang, og kan sejle med en fart på 21 knob via to Azipod. Færgen forventes at bruge 40 procent mindre energi, end et normalt stålskib.
“There is no single solution where shipping’s emission challenges are concerned and we have to be imaginative in this transition to more sustainable ferry operations. Considerations of what a future ferry could or should look like and how it would operate are bringing bold thinking to market. ABB’s innovative electric solutions are an enabler for forward-looking companies like Incat.”
Palemia Field, Global Segment Manager, Ferries, ABB Marine & Ports.
Kilde: ABB