Ny bog ”A Fascination for Ferries”

A Fascination for Ferries. © Ferry Publications

Forlaget Ferry Publications har netop udgivet en bog om færgefart i Skotland. Bogen er på engelsk, og kan bl.a. købes direkte hos forlaget, hvor den koster £18.

Recollections of Major Scottish Ferry Routes.

The author is a retired Merchant Navy navigating officer who has served on many of the major Scottish ferry routes; from that of the North Channel to Ireland, and the Northern and Western Isles of Scotland. From a child, he also travelled these routes as a passenger. The book features and illustrates personal and professional recollections throughout a fifty-year period with Sealink, CalMac and NorthLink to name a few. Approximately 120  photographs, drawings and maps

  • Titel: A Fascination for Ferries
  • Forfatter: Trevor Boult
  • Sidetal: 140
  • Format: 27,6 cm x 21,2 cm
  • Indbinding: Softback
  • ISBN: 9781911268321
  • Forlag: Ferry Publications

Læseprøve på A Fascination for Ferries.

Om Michael Koefoed-Hansen

Redaktør og ejer af Færgenyt. Har udgivet 3 bøger om dansk færgefart på forlaget Starnia, samt drevet hjemmesiden ”The ferry site” siden 1998. ”The ferry site” hører i dag til blandt de største private hjemmesider med information omkring færger.

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